Now I have to admit that I was hesitant to try it, since chocolate and rooibos doesn't sound like a winning combination to me. But rooibos does tend to just take on the flavor of whatever is added to it. As I reluctantly looked at the chocolate bar, PC mentioned that the flavor tasted very similar to what we know in NYC as 'Jelly Rings', one of my most guilty pleasures.
As soon as PC mentioned this, I dove right in to the chocolate bar. He was right, it tasted just like jelly rings!! An extremely sweet, raspberry flavor with a little dark chocolate bitterness, as well as a pleasing smoothness. There was a slightly herbal flavor, that I'm guessing was the rooibos. But it was hard to detect. I mostly tasted raspberry extract and semisweet chocolate. The ingredient list is simple, yet it still reminded me of my precious, artificially flavored jelly rings. I'm sure if I did a side by side tasting, I'd notice a vast difference. But this chocolate is a great, healthy (well ok, healthier) alternative!!
It doesn't really taste like tea, but I will definitely get this chocolate bar again for the yummy, nostaligic flavor.
The Tea Room 'Tea Infusions' Raspberry Rooibos
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